About Us

Welcome to EnglishPal.in: Your Easy Way to Learn English through Tamil

At EnglishPal.in, we’re here to help Tamil speakers learn English the easy way. We know it’s not always simple, so we’re your friendly guides on this language journey.

Why We’re Here

We want to make English learning simple and effective for Tamil speakers. We know the challenges because we’ve faced them too. That’s why we explain everything in Tamil.

so you can understand English better.

From Our Struggle to Yours

We started because we struggled. Learning English was hard when we were young, just like it might be for you now. But we learned, and we want to share that learning with you.

Learn in Tamil

What makes us special? We teach you English in Tamil. Learning is easier when it’s in the language you know best.

Meet the Founder

Right now, it’s just me running EnglishPal.in. I want to help, and I want to learn from you too.

Contact Us

Let’s learn together. Explore our lessons, tips, and more. Connect with us and others learning just like you. We’re here to help you open the door to English.

Contact Us – https://englishpal.in/contact-us/

Let’s master English, the Tamil way.



Founder, EnglishPal.in