Free Online English Dictionary
This free English dictionary tool helps you to give all the available definitions, phonetics in male and female voices, synonyms, and antonyms of the words you have given. it gives accurate meanings and phonetics to users who want to learn new words, vocabulary building, and pronunciation tips. We designed this tool to be very simple and user friendly. so anyone can use it and learn English.
With our free English dictionary tool, anyone can easily find a word’s full definitions, phonetics, synonyms, and antonyms in seconds. We used this dictionary API to run this tool. At this wonderful time, we say thanks to for this wonderful API.

My personal experience with creating this English dictionary app
During my childhood days, I used a large dictionary with thousands of pages to find any word’s meaning. Those times, it took around 5 to 20 minutes for me to find a particular word’s meaning. It was very frustrating and time consuming.
After a few years, I learned about the internet. With the help of the internet, I could find the meaning of words easily and quickly with online dictionaries and other English resources. The internet helped me during my English learning journey. I learned many things from the internet. The internet and other English learning websites helped me learn about English. At the time, most of the english teaching blogs did not have a dictionary app on their website. Now also the same thing. When I started this English website, I thought about a free English online dictionary for our users. It has been one of my longtime goals, and now the goal has come true.
Now our dictionary supports most of the commonly used English words. So, this would be a great resource for my website audiences and other English learners.
How can we get the English word details using our dictionary tool?
When you see our English dictionary app, you will know what to do next without any guidance. We designed this tool to be more self explanatory. But I will give you a little guidance on how to use our English dictionary tool to get the meaning, phonetics, synonyms, and antonyms of the word with a single click.
Step 1 – Enter the word that you want to know the meaning of in the “Enter a text” text box.
Step 2 – click on the “Submit” button.
Step 3 – that’s all. In the output section, you will find the definitions of the word, phonetics, synonyms, and antonyms.

We designed this tool to improve your English vocabulary skills. So, daily, come to our tool and find the meaning of unknown words.
If I want to know the meaning of cool, just enter the word in the “Enter the text” field. That’s all. Our dictionary tool will give you a result like this

If you see the above screenshot, you will get to know the meaning, phonetics, synonyms, and antonyms that are showing in result section. Sometimes, if the word is not present in the API, it will not show the result section. But it is a rare condition.
Who will benefit from this English dictionary?
Anyone who wants to
- learn English language,
- improve vocabulary
- meaning of English words,
- know the pronunciation or phonetics of words
- Know the similar words and opposite words of any word
Or simply, anyone who deals with English in their day to day life means our English dictionary tool is a mandatory one for them.
Features of our English dictionary tool
- As we saw earlier, our tool has a simple design. Anyone can easily understand how to work with this tool. It is very straight forward.
- Covers most of the English words around the world.
- Gives accurate meanings, pronunciations, and similar and opposite words.
- Our tool supports all devices, like desktops, tablets, and mobile phones. You can learn the new word’s meanings on the go.
Advantages of our dictionary tool
- Completely free of charge. Do not pay anything for using our dictionary app. Thanks to for giving this API for free to everyone.
- Find a word’s meaning with a single click.
- We designed this tool to support all devices.
- Our dictionary tool eliminates your manual word search, which helps you improve your productivity and English skills.
We do not store any of your word search data. We respect your privacy. Thanks for trusting us and using our tool in your day to day life.
We designed this tool for everyone who wants to learn English or improve their communication and vocabulary skills. As we discussed earlier, with a single click, you will get a huge amount of information about the word that you have given, like definitions, phonetics, the meaning of the words, and the opposite words. So, I request that all of you use our English dictionary with your day to day English learning and succeed in your career and life.
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Thanks for using our online free English dictionary tool. If you like our tool, please share it with your friends and colleagues and be a part of improving their English language skills.
If you think you will use this dictionary app frequently, please make sure to bookmark our tool.
We always welcome your feedback about this tool. If you have any suggestions about this tool, like how we can improve this dictionary tool or any other things, please feel free to leave your comments in the comment section. We read, reply and consider your feedback on improving this tool.